magic daddy
magic daddy was started in 1998 by guitarist/vocalist Ricky Priebe(aka RDP3). The then nameless band played its first gig at a school dance in Damascus, PA. The band consisted of Ricky Priebe, Josh Livingston, Joel Braverman, Jason Stershic, and Steve Faubel. Steve(vocals) left the band and Ricky took up the vocal slot. After a gig at a campground in Equinox, PA the following summer, bassist Jason Stershic left to persue his interest in guitar. Left without a bassist Ricky convinced his sister to buy a bass and learn to play, lucky for the band she was a quick learner. After she mastered a few covers the band played another dance at Damascus. Back Again. A few gigs and a year later we're kickin' ass. |
Current Band Members
Josh Livingston: guitar, vocals In the void of nothingness there came to be a speck. This speck contained all the energy in all the world. And it came to pass that space was forced into the speck by the darkness, and it grew. With the space, time also manifested itself. and then, there was JOSH.
Joel Braverman: drums Joel has been playing the drums for 5 years. Joel digs jazz. Some of his biggest influences are Elvin Jones, Philly Joe Jones, and Max Roach.
Becca Priebe: bass The newest member of the group, Rebecca started playing bass about a year ago. The biggest influence on her bass playing has been Flea. Naturally, her favorite band (other than magic daddy) is the Red Hot Chili Peppers
Ricky Priebe: guitar, vocals The founder of the group, RDP3 has been playing guitar for over 3 years. No one guitarist has had a huge effect on his playing but some of his favorite bands include the Red Hot Chili Peppers, moe., Guns and Roses, Band of Gypsys, and Cream.
Josh Daniels: Josh can be seen playing with magic daddy at upcoming shows...playing drums on most of the cover songs.
Tim O'Neal: Tim played organ when we played the John 1723 Community was all improvised and we didn't even know he was going to play...rockin
Our album "Picture of Tramp" has two guest artists on it, both playing guitar solos for the funk song "So Long". Jason Boyer funks out the first solo, and John Schuman of "Mama's Good Gravy" the second. Check them out on the album.<
Brenden Ellis:Honesdale guitarist formerly of Lum the Mad...took livingston's guitar duties until band break/end in october.