The Tour
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The Picture of Tramp Rockin the US cuz we feel like it "Palabra Tour"

The tour is over as is the band(as of so far). Here are the gigs hit before the world stopped spinning:

---April 20, 2001...John 1723 Community Center-We came, we saw, we conquered...people danced and people was a cool show...mad thanx to all who danced/ makes the shows funner to play

---April 27, 2001...Narrowsburg School-We had to start early...not many people were there...and they were mostly 7th and 8th graders(too cool to dance...remember those days?)...mucho gracias to those who did dance...sorry to those who couldn't make it do to other obligations(baseball/softball/anything else)...

May 4, 2001...not a gig...we tried out for our school talent show...and made it...yeah...had to haul lots of stuff to play one all worked out.

May 16, 2001...School talent show...there were about 12 acts, and we took 3rd...we didn't play any of our originals so that hurt us...we were supposed to get a set...but unorganized scheduling left no time for that...shit happens...Congratulations to Mama's Good Gravy on their first place finish.

If you have a party/event you want us to play write us and let us know...we'll see what we can do.

Fear Not: These directions aren't even all who missed the 4/20 show due to bad directions...un mil disculpas

Directions to Honesdale Highschool
(Starting from honesdale highschool)...go straight...turn around and go straight...and you're there.